
Some of the benefits of theater classes are increased self-esteem, a sense of accomplishment, better communication and presentation skills, enhanced literacy, and a dose of creativity--always useful whether you’re in high school or starting kindergarten. A variety of theater classes can be created for individuals and groups. The focus of a class is dependent on ages and skills the students wish to learn. We are often teaching in schools for artist-in-residence and after-school programs. At times, Cwerks will generate a class for the general public. Please check the news and events on the home page for those dates. It also helps us to know if you want a class for a particular time period or age. When we know there is an interest, we will sometimes schedule a class.

Mime- Students learn and practice as many mime skills as time allows. Basic skills taught might be object compensation, the ball, expression, and the wall. Later, they may move on to the rope, walks, ladder, and others. In groups and as individuals, students create mime routines.

On Stage- This class introduces students to basic theater terms, activities and skills. They practice skills through activities, group improvisations, and scene work.

Perform!- Students experience a variety of performing venues such as mime, puppetry, improvisation, and scene work. The focus is to be constantly working on something to perform and performing.

Creative Dramatics- Developed mainly for younger children, this class teaches a few theater skills and encourages and develops creativity as students participate in imaginative play.

Production- We can direct your group in a play.

Custom- We can, and usually do, create classes according to your objectives.